Boy Wonder!!!! Born mid-March 2 days before his due date. I have nicknamed him 'Boy Wonder' because he is here despite all the complications we went through getting him here....he is my little miracle! God is so good!
He is such a blessing to our family and everyone is madly in love with him. Going from 3 kids to 4 kids has been an easy adaptation so far. I was used to being outnumbered already and Daddy and I were already using a zone defense vs. a man-to-man.
We have a pretty good routine going already, and even though he doesn't nurse at the same times everyday, he does go to bed at 10pm and sleeps until 6am every night for the last 2 weeks. Now, I'm not getting my hopes up too much; linebacker slept through at 6 weeks also, but we hit the 4 month sleep regression HARD and he was up multiple times per night until about 14 months old. So, I am excited that Boy Wonder is sleeping through but am prepared for what may lie ahead.
Other little known facts about Boy Wonder:
- He is my first child with dark hair like me
- So far he is the tallest child, but is long and lean
- He likes to be held (always a good quality for a 4th child)
- He is the 4th child, and 3rd boy
- He likes to eat!
- He is the first child I've had who actually gets upset because of a dirty diaper
- He is my 2nd thumbsucker (the other one is Linebacker)

We are so pleased with the way God has provided for us and blessed us with 4 amazing children.

(in light of some recent tragic events in our area that center around the online world, I have chosen to give my kids nicknames instead of using their real names. Just trying to be as safe and as careful as I can).
For His Glory!
Welcome to the world sweet Boy Wonder. So happy to have you here with us <3 xoxo