I have really had a chance to reflect, lately, on what my idea of friendship is. It's funny how over the years that definition has changed so much.
We make our first friends as young children, they are usually from school or, in our case, church. We play with them when we are around each other, but they don't really have any influence on our lives. Then, when we are a few years older, we play together, have common interests and maybe make plans to get together outside of church/school, but they still don't have much influence on our lives.
Once we reach the teenage years this starts to change, our friendships start to have an emotional aspect involved. We can relate to our friends, we may imitate some of their characteristics and they definitely have an influence on us. This is when my friendships took a notable change, less real friendships with classmates and more true friendships with my youth group friends. I think this happened because of our similar beliefs, I didn't share similar beliefs with school friends but I did with my friends from Church. I think fellow Christian believers are very important to keep you accountable and to keep you on the right path. I am still friends with a lot of these teenage friends, but none from school.
My husband and I got married quite young (in today's society) at the age of 20. None of our friends were married, and most not even dating/courting someone. This had a huge impact on our friendships. We drifted apart from most of these friends, just because our goals and lives were different at this point. We found a new great group of friends from our church, the young married crowd. We made some real lasting friendships with them even though they were all 4-6 years older than us. That gap was bridged by the fact we were all trying to learn how to be someone's partner. We spent a lot of time with these friends, but then they all starting having children (and we couldn't yet). They were busy with they're families and their flexibilities changed. But some of our younger friends were now in serious relationships or getting married, so we, again, were able to find common ground with them.
Once we had children, though, life changed drastically! You don't have the time or flexibility to get together with people and even when you get a chance to chat, it is not without interruptions. We have recently rekindled friendships with some of our good friends from the young marrieds group, and I am so happy about that, they are great friends and I have really missed the closeness we used to have.
At this season in my life, getting together with friends is not easy. I can't just go out and meet them, it has to be after the kids are in bed, and honestly, I just want to put my pjs on and chill with my husband then. At this stage, friendship is a truly emotional relationship. I want to surround myself with the right people, I want to be influenced by the right people and I want to have the people around me who are there for the right reasons and who support me.
Two years ago, I joined a group for pregnant Canadian women who were all due in May 2011 (me with Linebacker). I had no idea at the time, but this would not be just a fun thing to check out once in awhile. These women became my friends, I have met about 1/2 of them in person but I *know* all of them. We have been through a lot together, these ladies supported me through the difficulties with Boy Wonder's pregnancy and kept me strong. We have all rallied together on more than 1 occasion to help a fellow mama out in a time of need. These women are amazing and I don't know what my life would be like without them (besides really dull).
In this group, though, is one person who is special. She is an amazing mama, an incredible friend and just such a Blessing. We have connected through this group and have a lot in common (and just enough not in common to keep it interesting). She truly is my Best Friend. We *talk* everyday, and we never run out of things to say. She is my go-to for everything and she always has sound advice and is always just there.
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and be understood
~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
It's interesting how when we were younger, friendship was about how much time you spend together and who you see often, but now that doesn't matter anymore. My Best Friend lives in another province, we have spent only 1 week together in person, yet we connect and are closer then any friend I have around me. Up until the last year I never understood what I was missing by not having a good friend, but once you have one, you can't imagine life without.
Though miles may lie between us
we are never far apart,
for friendship doesn't count miles
its measured by the heart.
Now, to just get her to move here ;) It is amazing how God gave us both babies due in the same month and year, just to bring us together, God's Will is so interesting to see at work.
This is so accurate, God is Good!
There are friends who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother ~ Proverbs 18:24
For His Glory!